World of Beethoven Subscription
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Performances, documentaries & music programs
42 videos
Performances of concertos, sonatas and other works.
Konversationer vid Klaviaturen (In Swedish)
9 videos
Konversationer vid Klaviaturen - konserter för dig som vill veta mera om musiken
Swafford On Beethoven
1 season
Jan Swafford shares his insight on different subjects about Beethoven, "Beethoven - Anguish and Triumph" counts as one of the most important biographies on the great composer.
"Impassioned and informed...Swafford’s exuberance is infectious, prompting the reader to revisit works both famous and o...
World of Beethoven Subscription
Get access to all the videos on the channel.
Beethoven - Freedom of the Will
1 video
FREEDOM OF THE WILL (2022, 57 minutes)
This rental is for unlimited viewing for three monthsA film about music made by a musician.
No human being is perfect – an attempt to idealize a person will always land in half-truths. But music can inspire and empower, and no music has done so more than t...